Yemen calls for credibility in media coverage of current events [The Source: - 11/04/2011] Deputy Minister of Information Abdu al-Janadi called Monday on journalists and correspondents to be credible and unbiased when covering the current events in Yemen.

During his meeting with local, Arab and foreign journalists and correspondents in Yemen, al-Janadi accented the journalist's right to access to information transparently, saying that officials have to offer all information evidently and without delay.
Yemen is experiencing an intricate stage and democracy is the only way to tackle it, he said, adding we all either pro-government or opposition journalists to be highly responsible when deal with it.Protests is a democratic mean capable to influence the events in the domestic arena, al-Janadi said, stressing the necessity to enlighten the protesters about the means they should use away from assaulting the public properties and attacking security forces. He talked about the democratic environment Yemen enjoys due to adopting the political pluralism system, press freedom and respecting human rights.In return, the journalists and correspondents blamed the government officials, who do not clarify the facts on the satellite TV channels about the issue raised on such channels.They demanded the government to select officials to answer the journalists' questions on the events and the accusations against the governmental bodies, particularly Ministry of Interior.