Wadi Hadhramout Agricultural products export, last month reaches 47 million riyals [The Source: SEIYOUN/ - 18/02/2011] Domestic export from agricultural crops in  Wadi Hadhramout  and Sahraa Districts for January 2011 reached a total of 681 thousand tons and 226 kilograms. and  fetches   47.1903 million riyals

According to a report from - Office of the Ministry of Industry and Trade in Seiyoun  Wadi Hadhramaut and Sahraa  a copy of it received by Yemen News Agency SABA, pointed out that these crops  products were Onions  1, 646 tons 770 kilograms, Henna ten tons, Water melon  8 tons, Honey 6 tons one thousend 320 kilograms and the remainder  were in cash crops of  tea, salt, coffee, raisins, pepper, bitter melon seed, and others.
 The report pointed out that these products were  exported through Shehen and  Al-wadiah border points  to deposit to  the Sultanate of Oman, United Arab Emirates,Saudi Arabia and Malaysia.