The first lectures of Ibn Ubaidullah "This how I came to know them ' سيئون
[The Source: SEIYOUN/ - 10/01/2011]
The center of Obaidullah Alsagaff will open its doors this season with a lecture titled "This is how I knew them"
It is going to be their first cultural activity for this year. The conclusion of the lecture-centered on Views and Visions the Islamic Lecture, scholar Sayyid Kazim ibn Jafar Al-Saqqaf endured through his multiple trips to various continents and countries. .The lecturer will take place in Dar Ibn Obaidillah Al-Saqqaf on Wednesday, 8 Saffar - 12 January, at the eight O'clock in the evening Be-alam Badr In Seiyoun City bad- All are invited to attend.