Al-awn Foundation for development delivers (40) housing units to floods victims [The Source: mukallatoday/ - 30/12/2010] Al-awn Foundation for development within its relief and contribution programm  in support of reconstruction efforts that is taking place in the provinces of Hadramaut and Al-mahara. 
The society in cooperation with Al-islaah Charity Association Hadhramaut branch, delivered (40) housing units to the  victims of floods of  October 2008,  in Wadi Hadramout and  distributed them in Saah zone within Tarim District  Engineer Ibrahim Omar Khan, Project Coordinator Al-awn Development Foundation in a statement (al-Mukalla today),  said  that the selection of the beneficiaries of these houses have been carefully and on a  precise criteria.  The construction sites were selected so that they are far from water  streams,  flood.  He went on saying that in the few coming days (3) additional units wil be given and the process of handing over the other units to the  remaining families will be done  in the coming days.