25-year imprisonment for three drug traffickers in Hadramout [The Source: MUKALA/ - 18/12/2010] The Specialized Primary Penal Court in Hadramout province passed on Saturday a 25-year jail sentence against three defendants convicted of drug trafficking. In the hearings, chaired by Judge Abdu al-Awadhi, the court convicted each of Abdul-Hakim Mahfodh Salem Zahfan, Wael Abdul-Karim Mohmed Ahmed, and Abdul-Fatah Salah Salem ba-Shrawi of possessing four pieces of Hashish, with a view of trafficking and illicit using of narcotic substances, and sentenced them to 25 years in jail.The court also decided to punish the third convicted in the case, ba-Shrawi, with eighty lashes for drinking alcohol, and to destroy the seized narcotic substance..