Search team saves 15 crew and passengers from Panamian ship. [The Source: MUKALLA/ - 18/11/2010] Serching Team in the archipelago of Socotra, Hadramout Governorate,was able to rescue  15 of the crew  and passengers of a Panamanian ship  that sank after being exposed to bad wheather, ten nautical miles of the Socotra archipelago.
The ship bearing the name of Mostafa (1) had on board its  protecting, security and passengers. .  Socotra Archipelago Passports Director Capt. Fouad Saad Ahmed told  the Yemeni News Agency (SABA): "Upon receiving  communication from the vessel's Mostafa (1) agent that  the ship  was on the verge of sinking ,Mostafa (1) quickly  we assigned a team of search and rescue from  the archipelago of Socotra in Hadramout   to move urgently to the site of the sinking ship. They were able to rescue the crew of the vessel the consist   of ten sailors, eight of them Yemenis, a Tanzanian and a Somali as well as two soldiers from the Yemeni coast guards were hired to protect the ship and three  yemeni passengers, from Socotra..