Wadi and Sahraa tender committee opens three envelopes [The Source: SEIYOUN/ - 10/10/2010] Hadhramaut and SahraaTender Committee, in its meeting today opened three  tenders. envelopes for discussions.
The meeting was chaired  Hadhramaut Undersecretay for Wadi and Sahraa Mr. Omaier Mubarak  Omaier and attended by Governorate  Assistant Undersecretary for Wadi and SahraaAffairs Mr.  Salah al-Fahd Aaagam. The first  three envelopes  were for  tenders to build a private gym, fencing of the Office of Youth, Sports, Second one was especially to supply medical equipment for Seiyoun General  hospital  as decided by the Committee in the tender for the Central Laboratory belongs to  the department ofPublic Works and Highways in Wadi Hadhramaut and the desert. This has been referred The  Tenders Committee  did refere the envelopes  containing the tenders to the Commission's analytical for  discussion at its meeting next week  take  the necessary action