Omaier calls on Wadi Hadhramaut citizens to participate in the elction registration
[The Source: SEIYOUN/ - 26/09/2010]
Hadhramaut Undersecretary for Wadi and Sahraa Aaffairs Mr. Omaier in a statement to Hadhramaut Website on the occasion of our anniversary celebrations of the 48 for the glorious revolution of September 26 came in it.
On the eve of the commemoration of 48 for the glorious revolution of September 26, on the outset we are p;leased to congratulate our political leadership, led by the Son of Yemen President Ali Abdullah Saleh, may God protect him in the name of Wadi Hadhramaut and the desert sons. In this great occasion. The revolution brought about a qualitative leap to our homeland yemen in General - from ignorance, disease and backwardness to the Renaissance and development, growth, and this revolution that has made us gain a lot. Including development, unity, democracy and on this occasion also I am pleased to congratulate the Yemeni people and the sons of Hadramout governorate in general Wadi and Sahara, especially on this occasion and we are actually ambitious this occasion when it comes every year so we have done more achievements and that is what happened. We thank God and the President of the Republic for issuing the Decree to m establish Wadi University and technical institutes and this gain new addition to the work being afoot to expand the power and expansion of roads and education projects, water and sanitation, education professional who are counting on him. Congratulations to all on this occasion I can not express all here ,only my thanks and appreciation to all leadership Hadhramaut province website and I salute them all and thank you very much.