Fisheries Ministry withdrew only $42,000 out of $14mln London donors pledges, says report [The Source: SANA'A/hadhramaut.infor/ - 28/08/2010]

A governmental report has pointed out that the Ministry of Fisheries Wealth has withdrawn only $42 thousand of the donors' pledges total amount of $14 million allocated for fisheries sector, according to


The foresaid amount has been allocated to finance the fisheries components of the agricultural and fisheries development project at Hadramout coast.

 The report showed that the total granted loans for fisheries sector during 1998-2006 amounted to $27 million and the current grants are up to $12.7 million.The total withdrew amount of loans reached $5.2 million at a rate of 19.3 per cent and the withdrew amount of grants reached $7.9 million at a proportion of 62 per cent.