Travelling [The Source: - ] Travelling



Bamatraf  travel Hajj & Umrah Agency

Al-mukalla Al-ssalaam Zone

In front of Ba-zar'aa Mosque

Telephone:    + 967 5 30545/315495

Fax :               + 967 5 305451

Al-ddes Zone Branch

Al-gawazaat Street

Tlefax:  +967 5 318283

E-mail:Travel@bamatraf .com



Al-aa-lamiih (Univesal)

Baja'maan Zone

Opposite Khour Almukalla

Telephone: +967 5 354843

Fax: +967 5 354842

Seyoun Branch

Telephone:  +967 5 404288/402311

Fax:             +967 5 405289



Horizon Travel & Tourism

Al-mukalla Branch

Telephone: +967 5 314650/1

Fax:-            +967 5 314652

Mobile:           734599328


Eilaaf  Tourism &International   Transport

Mukalla Branch

Next to Ryboon Hotel

Telephone:-       +967 5 300474

Mobile:               7331993038

Republic of Yemen