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The roads sector witnessed noticeable developments, as a result of constructing modern asphalt roads and the implementation of interconnection projects between districts of the governorate. Also, a number of internal roads have been asphalted, paved and lightened, in addition to other roads that underwent maintenance. During 1990-2004, 78 projects were implemented at a total cost of YR 25.4 billion; the most prominent project is renewal of Al-Mukalla-Seyoun Road at a length of 300 km. Strategic interconnectingroads were also implemented, such as the Safir Hadhramaut Road of 310 km linking the Capital City of Sana’a with the governorate. The Tarim-Thamoud-Shahn Road of 510km, which is the Eastern Gateway and a trade inlet linking Hadhramaut, in particular, and Yemen in general with the Sultanate of Oman and thence the Gulf states. The wideningof the eastern and western entrance ways to Al-Mukalla, at a length of 28 km were completed, as well as the laying of the Moary Qalnasiyah Road and the widening and treelining of the Airport Road, streets of Al-Mukalla, Ghail Bawazeer, Al-Shihr, Al-Hami, Al-Dais Al-Sharqiyah (Eastern Dais), Seyoun, Tarim Al-Qutn, Shibam, etc. Currently, a number of road projects are under implementation. The most significant are the Hijr-Al-Dhali’ah-Doan Road , Al-Dhalia’ah-Al-Mukalla-Doan Road at a length of 192 km, and the first phase of Khour Al-Mukalla, in addition
to the first stage of the Rabwa Khalf Project, the asphalting of the streets of Rawkab, Boaish, etc. The lengths of the asphalted roads have increased from 761 km to more than 2,500 km. The Public Works Project contributed to the implementation of 14 road projects at a cost of $ 1.2 million. The Social Fund for Development contributed to the implementation of 8 projects costing $ 610,000. The Ministry of Oil contributed to financing 52 projects costing YR 2.9 billion Since achieving reunification of Yemen , Hadhramaut Governorate realized qualitative leaps in telecommunication as a result of constructing modern networks for the cities and rural areas. Telephone services were made available in most regions of the governorate. Mail services have been improved.