Fires kill 2 people, cause YR 37 mln losses in Aden [The Source: ADEN/ - 23/07/2010]  Aden province has witnessed about 160 fires during the first half of this year , which caused the death of two people and nine others wounded.

The director of civil defense department, Aden, Colonel Mohamed Haidar said to Saba that the majority of fires caused by an electrical short circuit in the houses and random construction and unauthorized conduction of power and carelessness.The material losses have amounted to about YR 37.8 million, Haida indicated.He pointed out that the fires were distributed to 7 fires in Altwahi district, 34 in Maala district, 14 in Serah district, 31 in Khormaksar district, 6 in Breqa district, 21 in Mansoura district, 34 in Sheikh Othman district and 13 in Dar Saad district.