Marib Governor meets Munazzamat al-Da'wa al-Islamiia official [The Source: maarib/ - 10/05/2010] Marib Governor Naji al-Zayadi met here on Monday with the head of Munazzamat al-Da'wa al-Islamiia in Yemen Mohammed al-Sharif.

During the meeting, al-Zayadi said that the doctrinal difference Yemen has experienced during the past centuries is considered a point of strength not weakness.He listened to an explanation from al-Sharif about the organization's objectives and establishment, which was founded in 1980.The organization aims at spreading Islam courteously and gently and at providing social services to the deprived people in Africa regardless to color, race or religion.He made reference to the organization is doing it's best to spread tolerance and peace among Muslims and other religions followers, and to inspire the beautiful spiritual values of the religions, which are meant for the welfare and happiness of mankind.