User Agreement
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1) Using this site means you accept these conditions If you do not fully accept, your entry to this site is contrary to these conditions and you should stop use immediately.
2) All data and information on this site, including digital images, sound files, video, multimedia, graphics and logos are owned to network sites of Hadhramout Governorate unless otherwise stated. They are not allowed to be used commercially without our consent.
3) We strictly prohibit coping of any material in this site,re-produce or publish for commercial purposes without obtaining the written permission of the management of Hadramout province network sites.
4) You can browse this site without providing your personal details unless you wishe to provide it voluntarily, in which case the administrationt plidges not to give your personal data to any third party, whether governmental , non-governmental ,commercial or business without your personal consent.
5) We don't bear responsibility for any abuse that may result from your personal information providing unless explicitly noted in the guest book or forums.
6) We strictly prohibit any participation that is incompatible with the Islamic creed , national constants or laws in force in the Republic of Yemen. Also we prohibit any material that incites hatred against people or States , offends religions or holy sites, contains libel, threats or abuse, and prevent the participation materials that may contain harmful materials such as viruses or software espionage and prevent the participation materials beyond the limits of decency in communication with officials of the State or the web sites administraton or Hadramout province, also prohibit participation in any material that breaches this Agreement.
7) We are committed to validity and accuracy of the information available at the time of publication in this site, and to continuously updated. If you find any material you don't believe in its validity , please contact us at the [email protected]