Five new AIDS cases in Hadramout during the past two months
[The Source: mukalla/ - 03/03/2010]
A local official in Hadramout province on Wednesday declared the discovery of five new cases , immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) disease during the past two months in the province..
Hadhramaut Branch coordinator of the National Program to Fight AIDS, Ahmed Ali Al-baity told Yemen News Agency (SABA) that the cases detected are of two males and two females and one of an Arab residing in the province.. He said: "the discovery of these cases, the number of cases recorded in Hadramout until the end of February incresed to 236 reported cases of AIDS" .. Calling the local authority in the province and districts, scholars, Ullama's , preachers, media and civil society organizations working in the education sector to support the field functions of the outreach teams in targeted sites, so as to raise the awareness of citizens, is the onl way and means of preventing infection of HIV and is a national and humanitarian mission.. Affiliated program coordinator went on adding that the team is working on a volunterary basis and not being paid , taking into account that this task is generally . the responsibility of the society.