Yemen Children Parliament calls on USA to sign CRC
[The Source: - 19/11/2009]
Children's Parliament in Yemen has called on the U.S. Congress and the American administration to sign the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) which the world marks its 20th anniversary next week, the GPC-run reported.
Speaker of the Children's Parliament Rania Arasi said in her letter to the US Congress Speaker that "We really wonder about the convention was not signed by the USA, which sponsors the child rights" adding that such matter is not acceptable from a country consider itself as a model in democracy and protection human rights.We feel sorrow that the US administration didn't sign this important convection which ensures a better life for children, the letter read.She concluded the letter by pinning hopes on the US Congress to push its country's administration to sign the convention which was signed by most of the world countries.Yemen has ratified the Child Rights Convention in 1991