Authority stands in front of real estate inventory report for gardens and parks
[The Source: Mukalla/ - 18/10/2009]
Hadhramout local council governing body in its meeting today In Mukalla chaired by Hadhramaut province Governor , President of the Council, Mr. Salim Ahmed Al- Khanbashi in the presence
of the Secretary-General of Local Councils Saeed Ali Bayumein
self-assess the level of revenue collections from Waajibaat and
Zakat offices in Wadi Hadhramout coast, from January to September
of this year.In addition to the inventory of real estate gardens, parks and markets within the province that were leased by the Lands and Survey and Urban Planning in coast and Wadi Hadhramout. The t local council governing body insisted that the importance of enhancing incomes and have interest in collecting such fees because of its positive returns to improve various services, to develop all areas needs development and to enhance the process of development