YR 12 bln fish projects within investment plan for 2010 discussed [The Source: - 05/09/2009] A meeting held here on Saturday, chaired by Minster of Fisheries Mohammed Shamlan, discussed fish projects to be listed within the ministry's investment program for 2010 at a total cost of YR 12 billion. The projects include constructing fish complexes and fish ports in Hodeidah province and Socotra Island as well as other infrastructure projects and fish facilities in different provinces.
Moreover, the projects include studying Yemen's fish stock and executing an integral program for developing the fish cooperatives and the fish collaborative union and its branches in the coastal provinces.On another hand, the meeting dealt with the ministry's operating budget for the same period, which exceeds YR765 million.In the meeting, Shamlan affirmed the necessity of realizing the needful fish projects so as to meet the investment expansion in the fish sector especially the infrastructure projects.He pointed to the importance of putting down the infrastructure projects in Soctora Island within the investment program as it is one of the Yemeni islands that are wealthy with fisheries.