Hadramout Fund Board for improvement calls for advertising iwithin Khor Al-Mukalla [The Source: mukalla/ - 26/08/2009] Hadhramout Fund Board of Directors, for hygiene and improvement in its meeting   today took a decision  and   singed a number of actions and measures to improve hygiene in major cities and  took interest in the work of reforestation in the outlets and public spaces.

Enhancing the financial resources of the Fund and to enable it to fulfill its duties and functions properly. This came in today's meeting of  Mukalla Fund Board under the chairmanship of of the Provincial Governor Ahmed Salem Al-Khanbashi and  in the presence of hisDeputy Governor of Hadramout for coast districts Affairs Abdullah Awad Hatem  .  They discussed a number of reports on  sanitary situation in the city of Mukalla during the month of Ramadan and the Fund's efforts to maintain cleanliness, improve  the process of supervising the cleaning, maintenance and care of tree planting schemes and the maintenance of public outlets. In the meeting also the  stressed  on the need to focus on investment in advertising outlets Assembly, in particular facility of Khour Al-mukalla Lagoon tourism,  take advantage of all the possibilities,  aesthetic advantages of this facility and employment for the promotion of advertising which supplies financial resources from the Fund, to be determined advertising investment in these sites and outlets and the public in accordance with the requirements and technical controls specific to the.
The meeting  also underscored the safeguarding of assets and property of the project of cleaning and carry out routine maintenance of vehicles and mechanisms and take replacement policy gradually and learn from all the possibilities to improve the hygiene of the city of Mukalla and creating environmental public awareness among citizens to maintain hygiene.