In his lecture In Ibn Obaidalla Centre-Omeir,calls the citizens to tighten the noose on all forms of corruption. [The Source: Seyioun/ - 09/07/2009] Hadhramaut Undersecretary  for Wadi and Sahraa Affairs Mr. Omeir Mubarak Omeir streesed  on the importance of creating greater cooperation and a redoubling of efforts between the public and private Sectors to accelerate and  overcome the effects of disastrous floods in the region late October last year. He also added that effort  should made to resolve problems preventing the implementation of actions aimed to alleviate the suffering of the population of the affected districts.  Mr. Omeir  called all feeort should be concerted of the  in all sectors to present and show the visitors that  the capital city of Tarim in its true as the  Islamic culture in 2010 next year. It has    appear to appear decent as a source,  place and a centre  for  Education , History  and culture for hundreds of years. Tarim sons palyed a big role in spreading across the world  and are still  effective in disseminating the teachings of the Islamic religion around the globe. At the end of the meeting he answered queries on different  and range  range of issues ,  problems  and demands raised by the attendees.  Concerning  the strengthening of the role and functions of the organs and institutions of interest,  operational and service and activate the implementation of laws and regulations and the fight against indifference and abandonment of all practices against the administrative work and accounting for negligence in their work and duties and of the principle of reward and punishment and follow-up to keep the issues service for the nation and the citizens.