China offers Yemen 100 million Yuan in aid [The Source: SABA News Online / Saleh Ahmed - Thursday 31 / Oct. / 2019]
The Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation and the embassy of China in Yemen signed a grant agreement totaling 100 million Yuan. The Chinese donation aims to carry out developmental projects and humanitarian assistances.

Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Dr Najib al-Aweg voiced the Yemeni government's appreciation for China's developmental support for Yemen in different fields including infrastructure, transport, energy, education and health.

The Chinese Ambassador to Yemen Kang Yong commended the Yemeni-Chinese relations which established 70 years ago.
The two sides underscored the importance of getting the partnership agreement within the Road and Belt Project accomplished and inked between the two friendly countries. A memo of understanding about the partnership agreement already singed in April this year.