Yemen, USA discuss banning import, sell Yemen's antiques
[The Source: SABA News Online / Saleh Ahmed - Tuesday 29 / Oct. / 2019]
Minister of Culture Marwan Dammaj discussed Tuesday with US Department
of State's advisors for cultural affairs Yemeni government's demand of
banning import and transport Yemeni antiquities into the United States.
In the meeting conducted through Video Conference System between US embassy here and US Department of State in Washington, the two parties discussed Yemen's demand of banning trading with Yemeni antiquities in the United States.
The discussion was participated by other Yemeni concerned officials.
Dammaj reviewed measures taken by the government of Yemen for protecting antiques in Yemeni museums and future plans for boosting measures of protecting antiquities in Yemen, pointing to Yemeni antique law, which includes texts on the nature of Yemeni antiquities and means of gaining them.
He reviewed similar examples in unstable countries like Libya and Iraq and technical means for improving staff's capabilities for following up Yemeni antiques abroad.
He stressed improving relations between Yemeni Antique General Authority and specialized institutes in the United States.