Hadi orders members of elections commission to not heed Houthireplacements
[The Source: SABA News Online \ Saleh Ahmed - Monday 17 / Sep. / 2018]
President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi has orderedmembers of the Supreme
Commission for Elections and Referendum (SCER) to not heed the
replacementsHouthisare seeking to impose in the elections governing
On September 7, 2018, the coupist militia in Sana'a issued "a resolution" that replaces four SCER members from the pre-coup era with loyalists.
In reaction, the internationally recognizedpresident issued a Directive on Monday evening to revoke the Houthidecision.
Referring to the exclusive authority of Hadi, as a President of the Republic, to issue resolutions of constitutional nature, the Directive demanded those ofSCER members who remain in Sana'a not to heed the Houthireplacement decisions.
It called on the Supreme Judiciary Council to address the illegal replacements and "refer any of the SCER judges who accept the Houthi instructions to investiation".
It also considered "any act that the judges do under the coercion of the armed militia as void and invalid."
It also directed the foreign ministry to approach the UNSC on taking punitive measures against the authorsof the illegal replacements and all acts of tampering with public organizations.