WFP provides food substances to affected people by Mekunu in Socotra [The Source: SABA News Online \ Saleh Ahmed - Thursday 05 / Jul. / 2018]
          First Deputy Governor of Socotra ArchipelagoRaed al-Juraibi along with Deputy Governor SalehSa'ad launched on Thursday distribution of emergency relief from the World Food Program to affected people over Mekunu Cyclone hit the province weeks ago.

          The relief assistances, which are carried out by Awn Humanitarian, include 5 thousand tons of flour.

          Al-Juraibi confirmed significance of emergent relief in alleviating suffering of people over Mekunu Cyclone, praising international efforts and support of the UN represented by WFP in helping the province, which has suffered shortage of food substance after the cyclone.

          The coordinator of Awn Organization Dr. Salem al-Shanqabi clarified that the organization have monitored all affected people and distributed them on 17 points across the province.