Saudi team conducting treatments, surgeries for 400 heart patients in Mukalla [The Source: SABA News Online \ Saleh Ahmed - Monday 28 / May. / 2018]
          A visiting Saudi medical team is now in the provincial capital of Hadhramout, Mukalla, to carry out treatments and surgeries for 400 heart patients. The executive of Al-Balsam International Organization Emad Bukhari said the organization, in cooperation with the Heart Disease Charity, is carrying out this campaign of heart surgeries and therapeutic cardiac catheterizations (Balsam2) on Yemeni patients in Dar al-Hayat Heart Center in Mukalla.

          A specialized Saudi medical team is involved in this campaign which is running from 9th to 17th of this month of Ramadan.

          Bukhari expressed his gratitude to the Yemeni government for its unbounded cooperation and appreciated the help of the Saudi-led Arab Coalition which helped them access the patients. He said that the medical campaign will help mitigate the suffering of hundreds of Yemeni adults and children suffering heart diseases.