A session launched to raise awareness about NDC outcomes in Mukalla
[The Source: SABA News Online \ Saleh Ahmed - Monday 30 / Apr. / 2018]
The Office of the Minister of State for Implementing the Outcomes of the
National Dialogue Conference (NDC) launched on Monday in Mukalla, the
provincial capital of Hadhramout, a session for promoting awareness
about the NDC outcomes.
The session which was held in cooperation with Aljazeera, a local studies and research center in Mukalla brought 33
university graduates and other participants who are discussing the NDC's outcomes related to building a modern democratic Yemen in which the principles of justice, equality, good governance, equality of opportunity and fair distribution of wealth and power prevail.
They are also discussing the constitutional and legal principles, recommendations, the tackling measures for the various drivers of conflict, and visions for building the future that everyone dreams of.