International efforts to negotiate the handing over of the city and port of Hodeidahþ [The Source: ALYAMAN ALARABY Online \ Saleh Ahmed - Tuesday 01 / Aug. / 2017]

          The international community exerts hard efforts to bridge the gap between the Yemeni parties, according to government source.

          Alyaman Alaraby quoted Okaz newspaper as saying that there are international efforts to hold talks between the Yemeni government and the coup militias  to discuss the implementation of the United Nations map about handing over the province of Hodeidah and its port.

          The source stressed that the government is committed to peace as a single option to inject blood and restore state institutions.

          The international community is making intensive efforts to bring the points of view, through indirect negotiations, but depends on the three references represented in the Gulf initiative , the outputs of the national dialogue and UN Resolution 2216, the source added.

          He also expected that the UN envoy to Yemen Ismail Ould Sheikh will arrive the region with a number of ambassadors of permanent members of the Security Council to hold intensive meetings with the Yemeni parties next week.