Yemen Women's Federation, Alqatn District starts an income-generating [The Source: Al-qatn/hadhramaut.jnfo - 01/05/2009] Yemen Women's Federation , Al-qatn District 
Hadramout province  Yesterday  opened an income-generating investment  project costing  four million riyals..The project was  funded by the World Organization of Care  and its  in form of  a shop selling Ice cream  well  equipped with  new  technical specifications. It will   provide quite  a number of employment opportunities for a number of women in the Districts..The Chairlady of the Yemen Women's Federation Branch in Al-qatn Districts  Faiqah La-rdhi  talked  to Yemen News Agency (SABA  and said thatwhatever the income from the project it will go towards  The Yemen Womens federation branch in Alqatn and that in turn  will  increase the  activities  also  raise   the capabilities of the women in the District