Al-Qaeda in Yemen accuses the United States of coordinating attacks with the Iran-aligned group [The Source: ALYAMAN ALARABY Online \ Saleh Ahmed - Friday 10 / Mar. / 2017]           Yemen's local al Qaeda wing appealed for help on Thursday to fend off an offensive by the armed Houthi movement in central Yemen, and accused the United States of coordinating attacks with the Iran-aligned group, according to an online statement. Although al-Qaida strikes are always directed to the legitimate government.

          "The Christian Americans have focused their military and spy planes on hitting the Sunni tribes in this front ... the Americans have carried out dozens of night raids in past days against those steadfast at this front in a clear coordination between the Americans and the Houthis," the statement said.

          "Hurry, hurry to reinforce this front before it falls," it added.