Government discusses economic growth impediments [The Source:, Saba - 25/3/3009] The government discussed in its cabinet's exceptional

meeting held on Wednesday the National Agenda for Reforms, the second phase 2009-2010.

The strategy seeks to draft inclusive national vision responding to facts of the economic, social and diplomatic situation. The strategy translates requirements and updating according to available potentials and resources.

The agenda seeks to realize four aims represented in encouraging economic growth resources, focusing on developing promising sectors, and affirming expanded investment contribution and limiting unemployment and alleviating poverty. The agenda covers five pivots; reforms of the local authority, the administrative reforms, updating the civil service, deepening accountability and transparency, enhancing democratic development and enabling women politically. The first pivot focused on a number of policies boosting reforms in field of judicial authority for improving judiciary system. While the second pivot included speeding up cores of the national strategy for updating the civil service and improving its performance. The third pivot included a number of works and policies for enhancing energies of economic growth and alleviating poverty. It also included improving capability of financial policy and allocating resources according to priorities. The forth pivot focused on measures enhancing legal, organizational and institutional framework for fighting corruption and protecting public fund. The fifth pivot included requirements of expanding political partnership, improving infrastructure of the Supreme Commission for Election and Referendum. The cabinet affirmed importance of those policies and aims included in this agenda and included programs for reaching the desired aims. The cabinet directed all concerned ministries to provide notes on the agenda.