Government approves journalist's job classification [The Source: // - 17/2/2009] The government approved in its cabinet's meeting the draft decision regarding classification of

journalists jobs and granting media affiliates allowances for work's nature. The project, which was prepared by ministry of civil service and insurances in the light of prospects presented by Yemeni Journalists Syndicates and the General Corporation for Radio and Television. The project approves regulations and policies approved in the categorization system for granting allowances for the nature of the work issued in the cabinet decision No. 137 for 2006. The law categorized the activities and jobs in media institution according to their role into three types include activities, journalist jobs and media basic jobs. Engineering and technical jobs are also included. The cabinet affirmed that the allowances of the nature of the work are only limited on those who practically occupy the work. The cabinet also agreed on the draft law of job transfer after being revised by the ministerial committee headed by education minister. The cabinet referred the law to the parliament for completing constitutional measures required for issuing it.