Gov't approves urgent projects to ease reforms' implications
[The Source: SANA'A\Hadhramaut\Saba - Saturday -02/August/2014]
The Government is to implement projects to ease implications of the recently-taken reforms on the development in the agricultural and fisheries sectors.
"The Ministries of Finance, Agriculture and Irrigation and Fisheries Wealth will work in coordination with the Fund of Encouraging Agricultural and Fish Production, the Cooperative Agricultural and Credit (CAC) Bank, the Agricultural Cooperative Union and the General Federation of Fishermen to translate the presidential directives through the financing of projects and the provision of equipment for farmers and fishermen", an official source in the government said to Saba.
In the agricultural sector, the source revealed that the government would quickly work to provide 1,500 solar-powered irrigation units to contribute the alleviation of the cost of operational expenses for agricultural production and reducing the use of oil derivatives for irrigation pumps, as well as providing integrated irrigation systems for 10,000 hectares of agricultural land.
Regarding the sea fishing, the source explained that the government would work to finance the purchase of 200 fishing boats, 1000 fish production units with accessories and 1000 marine engines and the rehabilitation and the creation of 13 fish landing centers with breakwaters in the coastal provinces, as well as the establishment of 20 artificial fish hatcheries near the fishermen communities.
The source added that such equipment and projects would be distributed to all the provinces of the country and in the coastal areas according to the agreed mechanisms to ensure fair distribution.