Tourist revenues reached YR 90 billion in 2008 [The Source: - 4/1/2009] Tourist revenues reached YR 90 billion in 2008, comparing to YR 85 billion in 2007  which means 6 percent increase.
Statistics of Ministry of Tourism showed that the number of tourists to Yemen from different countries has reached 404, 497 comparing to 378,361 during 2007 with ratio increase reached 7 percent.
The statistics clarified that the tourist activity has witnessed continuous growth in the period between ( July-August) of 2008 comparing to other months. The number of tourists reached this period 88,189, most of them were from Gulf countries.
Speaking to Saba, Minister of Tourism Nabil al-Faqih stated that the increase of revenues and tourists does not mean that incidents the country has witnessed have not affected negatively on the tourist activities, but the reverse is true.
He referred reasons behind the increase of the number of tourists coming from the Middle East and Gulf countries to economic, social, cultural and geographic factors and the to the tourist product in the country.