President congratulates Sharif as elected president to Somalia [The Source: - 31/1/2009] President Ali Abdullah Saleh sent Saturday congratulation cable to

Sheikh Sharif Ahmad on electing him a president to Somalia. In the cable, Saleh expressed his and of Yemeni people truthful congratulations over the great reliance given by Somali parliament to Sharif to take the post of a president to Somalia. "I am confident you will do your best for realizing security and stability in Somalia and rooting foundations of Somali unity for building the country's institution and reconstructing what the Somali war and differences destroyed during the past years," said the president. He hoped cooperation of all Somali factions and forces with the new elected president for anything serving Somalia republic; realizing its security, stability and protecting national unity. President Saleh affirmed Yemen's continuous political, moral and material possible support to Somali security and stability bedsides reconstructing the country's institutions