campaign to eliminate tetanus and measles exceeded expectations [The Source: - 31/1/2009] The vaccination campaign to eliminate neonatal tetanus and measles in Sah exceeded the expectations for the great success it had .
The campaign  is conducted by Public Health and population ministerial office in Hadhramaut province .
Dr. Hashem Rajab Alafari - Director of the ministerial  Office in Sah said that the ratio of the people who the task force was able to vaccinate reached 97% of the target 4,043  children.
That's to say  3,931 children were vaccinated  and 4,120 women with 82% of the target 5,057 women. More than fifty health workers  involved in the implementation of this campaign over 25 teams moved into neighborhoods and lanes of the directorate.
A significant role played by the  schools  mosque imams preachers and citizens for the success of the campaign events.