YSMO to launch ICCP Protection Program
[The Source: - 30/1/2009]
The Yemen Standardization, Metrology and Quality Control Organization (YSMO) is to launch next Sunday the
Protection Program of the International Conformity Certification Program (ICCP). This will take place in collaboration with the Swiss Cotecna and French Pefac Companies. At the launch ceremony, the program would be introduced as the two companies will explain the ways in which tests be conducted on goods before they enter the country, director general of the YSMO Ahmed al-Basha said. The program aims to guarantee the consumer's safety and protection of the environment as well as preventing goods counterfeiting as such measures help increase trade exchange with other countries. The program is also designed to prevent low quality products from entering Yemen. On the other hand, the program will enable the YSMO to meet its obligations and build up its capabilities. The program would be implemented on parties' equality basis and with transparency that can guarantee sharing information. The program will ease the flow of domestic products into other countries and provide manufacturers and exporters with the opportunity to enter new markets. The YSMO signed in November an agreement with the two companies to implement the program.