FM discloses new action mechanism for Friends of Yemen [The Source: LONDON\Hadhramaut\Saba - Monday -28/April/2014] Foreign Minister Dr. Abu Bakr al-Qirbi has disclosed the content of new action mechanism proposed for the Friends of Yemen Group to make the group more effective and efficient .

Dr. al-Qirbi made it clear on Monday, in an interview with the Yemen News Agency (Saba), that the most important element in the 7th meeting of the Group of Friends of Yemen, which will take place tomorrow in the British capital London, lies in the launch of a new mechanism of action for the Group.

He pointed out that the meeting would discuss with the international partners mechanisms to trigger of the allocation of the rest of the financial pledges announced by donors to Yemen amounting to $ 8 billion dollars.

The new mechanism for the Group's work depends on specialized sub-groups that shall study the needs, identify priorities and prepare reports for submission to the Group's meetings at the ministerial level, Dr. al-Qirbi added.

Al-Qirbi noted that ,according to the new mechanism, the sub-groups would work through internal and external coordination by having Yemeni and foreign experts in the presidency of these groups.

The Political sub-group will be co-chaired by Yemen and Saudi Arabia, and the presidency of the economic sub-roup will be formed from Yemen represented by the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation and externally from the World Bank, while the security sub-group will be co-chaired by Yemen and the United States", Dr. al-Qirbi said.

He explained that the role of these sub-groups would be pivotal in the technical analysis of the Yemeni problems ,prioritizing solutions and preparing the final reports to be presented to the next ministerial meeting of the Group of Friends.

The Minister affirmed that the new action mechanism does not mean the speed of completing the required tasks, especially that the achievement is directly related to other factors such as the economic reform policies in the country ,the security aspect and the political stability.

He indicated that the reason for Yemen's failure to take advantage of the financial pledges announced by international donors in the previous meetings of the Group of Friends of Yemen is the political unrest experienced by the country in the past years.

The Foreign Minister stated that Yemen's delegation participating in the London 7th meeting is keen to provide a reassuring image to the international partners in order to move beyond the existing doubts they have.

The governments of the UK, Saudi Arabia and Yemen will co-chair the next Friends of Yemen meeting in London on 29 April 2014. The Friends of Yemen was established in 2010 to co-ordinate international support for Yemen and comprises 39 countries and organizations.

With the conclusion of the National Dialogue Conference (NDC) earlier this year, Yemen has entered a new stage in its transition towards a constitutional referendum and elections. This meeting is expected to endorse the Yemeni proposal for a restructured Friends of Yemen group which can provide more targeted support in Yemen.

As well as the group’s restructuring, the priorities for the meeting include assessing progress on the political, economic and security objectives set at the last Friends of Yemen meeting in New York in 2013 and to ensure donors work closely with the Executive Bureau so the money pledged to help support Yemen’s future is spent effectively.