UN Security Council discusses progress of Yemen political transition process [The Source: SANA'A\Hadhramaut\Saba - Friday -25/April/2014] The United Nations Security Council held a closed session late on Thursday to discuss the developments and progress in the political transition process in Yemen based on the GCC-backed power transfer plan and the UNSC resolutions No. 2014, 2051 and 2140.

Members of the council were briefed by Jamal Benomar, Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Yemen, on the situation in Yemen and the remaining tasks and challenges.

Benomar conveyed to the council's members his assessment on the fulfillment on the council's resolutions, as well as efforts being made to draft a new constitution.

He also briefed them on the security and economic situation as well as challenges and steps to be taken by the Yemeni government, the donor countries and the international community.

"I told the Security Council that the political transition remains on track and is making progress," Benomar told reporters after the session.

He said the transition "has moved to the next stage," as the Constitution Drafting Commission has started its work and in the coming months will finalize a draft constitution, and that, in parallel to the constitution-making process, the national electoral commission is working to build a new voter registry.

"While forward momentum has characterized much of the transition, serious challenges persist. Yemen is the battleground for combating Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), which still remains a very real and lethal threat," Benomar said.

"There was a discussion in the Council about the Houthis, and many members inquired about recent events. In this context, I informed the Council that President Hadi has just formed a committee to engage in a dialogue with the Houthis with a view to implementing the NDC outcomes, and in particular issues related to disarmament, demobilization and reintegration. The Houthis agreed to the President's initiative to engage in this process," the UN envoy said.

He said he also notified the council's attention to the state of the economy and the humanitarian situation in the country, and "highlighted the need for economic reforms and for donors to deliver on their earlier pledges and to support the UN Humanitarian Response Plan."

"I briefed the Council on my recent visit to the UAE and Saudi Arabia, and reminded the Council that the early political engagement of the GCC countries during the 2011 uprising and their launch of the GCC Initiative enabled Yemen to embark on a promising path of peaceful change. I stressed that the UN and the GCC will continue to work in sync in support of this process."

Benomar also commended President Hadi for "his stewardship of the transition against all odds. He deserves the continued support of the international community."