Yemen to partake in meeting of Peace of ASSECAA [The Source: Mukalla/Hadramoutinfo/ - 22/2/2013] Yemeni delegation ,headed by Speaker of the Shura Council, Abdulrahman Mohamed Ali Othman, headed Friday to Ethiopia to partake in the meeting of Peace and Conflict Resolution to be held in Addis Ababa. The meeting ,which will be held during February 23-24 ,is organized by Association of Senates, Shoora and Equivalent Councils in Africa and the Arab World (ASSECAA) and the Federal Council of Ethiopia.

Othman told Saba that the participation of the delegation comes within strengthening the cooperation and expertise exchange between the member countries , pointing that the delegation will present a work paper to the meeting dealing with the political settlement in Yemen.

He affirmed the importance of these meetings and other events that allow access to experiences that contribute to the coexistence of peoples taking into account the specificities.