Total rejects claims on environmental practices [The Source: Mukalla/Hadramoutinfo/ - 2/2/2013] Total E&P Yemen denied on Saturday news reports about its intention to pump water produced during the extraction of oil and gas into the surrounding environment in Block 10. In a press release, the company said that the water produced is separated from the oil and treated.

"Then either injected in the oil reservoir to maintain the pressure of the zone being produced from and thus it is needed to enhance production", it said "Injected into zones under the ground in what is called disposal wells. The injection zones are very deep and far from any potable water reserves".

"Thus, none of the produced water discharged into the environment", it added.

"Total E&P Yemen has a strong environmental policy aiming at permanently reducing impacts in the area, preventing spills and protecting the bio-diversity in Block 10".

Total E&P Yemen was the first oil company in Yemen to be certified as per ISO14001 owing to its environmental standards.